Art blooms at greenhouse

Artist Jan Walker-Roenisch poses with a collection of her work at the 2010 Cultivation of Art Sale. This year’s event features the work of 42 artists and goes Friday through Sunday, June 24 -26, at Vale’s Greenhouse in Black Diamond.

Few galleries could support collections from 42 artists at the same time, but for the Cultivation of Art Show and Sale space is not an issue.

It’s all due to the fact Cultivation of Art is an annual event held in the indoor growing structures of Vale’s Greenhouse in Black Diamond.

It’s a unique art happening because it features paintings in all mediums, sculpture, pottery, woodcarvings, hand made jewelry and other original creations displayed amongst the colourful flowers and plants blooming in the greenhouses. The event will go rain or shine this June 24-26 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Katrina Deibel, the owner of Vales Greenhouse, said Cultivation of Art has drawn a substantial response in previous years.

“It has been huge,” she explained. “Last year there was no parking because it was so big but you never know from one year to the next just how it will be. We bring on extra staff to help. We get people who may only work this art show. They help us set up and take things down.”

A focal point of the three-day exhibition and sale will be the artists’ reception from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Diebel said the reception would feature free food and drink and it appears all of the 42 art contributors would be able to attend.

One of those artists is Turner Valley’s Maryanne Jespersen who is the owner and operator of Maryanne’s Eden Art and Garden Gallery in Black Diamond.

Jespersen, who sells not only her paintings but concrete garden creations as well, admitted she’s a big fan of the greenhouse setting for Vale’s weekend art sale.

“It’s absolutely fabulous,” she said. “There are not a lot of places for artists to show and this is kind of like an outdoor show but still it’s under cover.”

Jespersen is regularly involved in Cultivation of Art not only as a contributor of original works but as an organizer as well. She assists in putting together the roster of artists for the event.

Recently she admitted there hasn’t been a big need to search for talent.

“We do jury everything,” Jespersen said. “So I will help find artists if we need any extra but the last couple of years, because it feels so good to be a part of this show, we’ve had artists approaching us.”

With the show and sale is happening the same weekend as the Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer, Jespersen deemed it appropriate to donate a couple of her paintings to help raise money for the cause. One painting is currently at Vale’s Greenhouse while the other is at her Maryanne’s Eden gallery. Silent auctions are going on now for both works and at the end of the weekend the paintings will be sold to the highest bidders with proceeds to be donated to the ride.

For more on the Cultivation of Art Show and Sale go on-line to See examples of Jespersen’s work at

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