Author looks to inspire young writers

There are monsters in Northern Alberta. Or there would be if author Judith Graves had her way.

In her debut novel “Under My Skin”, the writer introduces the readers to Redgrave, a fictional town where ferocious beasts lurk in the shadows on the hunt for human victims. It’s all part of the Cold Lake, Alberta author’s desire to bring back literary monsters with bite and not hurt feelings.

“Under My Skin” was published in March 2010 as the first installment in a young adult supernatural trilogy known as the “Skinned Series” featuring werewolves and other fearsome creatures. The follow-up title, “Second Skin”, will be released later this year with the third book, “Skin of My Teeth”, to come in 2012.

Graves, who will be making a visit to the Okotoks Public Library, this Saturday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., has a simple mandate in her work.

“I’m bringing scary back basically,” she said.

The first-time author feels too many paranormal works for young readers have gotten away from the fear factor. She referenced a common complaint about the highly popular “Twilight” novels by Stephenie Meyer when she revealed a fact about “Under My Skin”.

“There are vampires in it but they don’t sparkle,” she said.

She assured readers who are tired of the “Twilight” style of reluctant bloodsuckers; her creatures of the night are vicious.

Graves is out to supply general thrills and suspense in her work with a little tongue-in-cheek humour as well. It’s the sort of thing delivered by two television shows that have served as an inspiration for her, “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” which wrapped in 2003 but is still seen in reruns and “Supernatural” which is now in its sixth season.

Graves said she was also inspired to try this particular genre of writing through her work has a library technician. She has always tried to promote and support Canadian authors and noticed a significant gap in what was available on library shelves from Canadian writers.

“I saw there wasn’t a ton of Canadian authors in young adult fiction, writing, commercial fun, fast fiction,” she explained. “There’s more coming out now which is great but there wasn’t when I started writing back in 2004. It’s been my goal to make Canadian teen fiction fun and to prove that Canada’s monsters can be just as cool as the ones in the States.”

The stories that make up the “Skinned Series” are told in the first person by protagonist Eryn McCain, a tough and resourceful teenager who can shape-shift into a wolf.

“She’s a character with a lot of attitude,” Graves said of her fictional leading lady. “She doesn’t wait around to be saved.”

McCain is 16 years old in the pages of “Under My Skin” meaning she’s got to deal with many of the normal struggles of growing up on top of being a teenager who is truly different.

“High school is bad enough and then she’s got fangs and fur,” Graves said.

The author said she is looking forward to her visit to the Okotoks Public Library on Jan. 8 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. and hopes to encourage many local writers to get their own works in print.

“Mainly what I’m going to talk about are the tedious but fun steps towards publication,” she explained. “So if anyone is interested in writing and wants to start doing query letters and that kind of thing I’m going to share tips on what they should do.”

Graves will also be part of WordsWorth, a weekend long sleepover for young writers aged 13 to 19, Feb. 4 to Feb. 6, at Kamp Kiwanis in Bragg Creek. For more information on this event put on by the Young Alberta’s Book Society check out To get more on the writer’s Okotoks visit this Saturday call the Okotoks Public Library at (403) 938-2220.

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