Book of the week

Book: Hiding in the Light

Author: Rifqa Bary

Category: Biography

Recommended by: Kelly Fraser, Okotoks Public Library biography collection manager

Description: Bary grew up in a devout Muslim home, obediently following her parents’ orders to practice the rituals of Islam. But God was calling her to freedom and love. This is the story of Bary’s remarkable spiritual journey from Islam to Christianity and of how she ran from her father’s threats to find refuge with strangers in Florida, only to face a controversial court case that reached national headlines.

“When we read biographies, there is a sense of knowing others have complex lives and thoughts just like us, and we may even resonate with another’s circumstances that are very close to our own, such as depression, addiction, grief, a challenging marriage, a joyful triumph or loving a relative with Alzheimers. We learn about other’s lives, their inner thoughts, solutions to problems, outlooks on life and we gain a sense of being in this human experience of struggles and joys together.” ~ Kelly Fraser

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