Book of the week

Book: The Promise

Author: Rachelle Friedman

Category: Biography

Recommended by: Kelly Fraser, Okotoks Public Library biography collection manager

Description: Just weeks before her wedding, four of Friedman's friends threw her a bachelorette party. At the end of a perfect evening of dancing and celebration, they decided to take a moonlight swim. One of her friends playfully pushed her into the water - a moment that changed their lives forever. Rachelle broke her neck and was paralyzed from the chest down. As Rachelle undergoes a physical battle for her life, her friend struggles emotionally to prevent one moment in time from defining her forever. It's the story of true integrity, about finding the incredible strength inside each of us we never knew we had. It also chronicles Rachelle and Chris's relationship, their struggle with her paralysis and rehab, the physical challenges of intimacy and their fairy-tale wedding.

“When we read biographies, there is a sense of knowing others have complex lives and thoughts just like us, and we may even resonate with another’s circumstances that are very close to our own, such as depression, addiction, grief, a challenging marriage, a joyful triumph or loving a relative with Alzheimers. We learn about other’s lives, their inner thoughts, solutions to problems, outlooks on life and we gain a sense of being in this human experience of struggles and joys together.” ~ Kelly Fraser

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