Kids' show star coming to Okotoks

Vancouver children’ s performer Will Stroet is using his background in education to entertain children at the Rotary Performing Arts Centre with performances on Jan. 23 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

A Vancouver performer is stepping out of living rooms and onto the stage to entertain Okotoks youngsters this weekend.

Will Stroet, the star of Will’s Jams on Kids CBC Television, is bringing his guitar and band to Okotoks with performances at the Rotary Performing Arts Centre Jan. 23 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

The celebrity among preschoolers and primary-school children will have little ones dancing and singing along as Will Stroet and the Backyard Band plays high-energy songs about libraries, bikes, vegetables and various other topics.

“It’s a very energetic and interactive show,” said Stroet. “In all of the songs there are actions and ways that I get the kids very involved in the show itself. It will be featuring lots of songs from my TV series.”

The award-winning singer/songwriter was initially an elementary school music teacher in Vancouver, and in his spare time began writing music for children and doing public performances about 10 years ago.

“By my last year of teaching I did about 100 performances separate from my teaching,” he said. “That was the jumping off point. I couldn’t do both. It was getting to the point where I was just exhausted.”

Stroet said he took a leave of absence from his teaching position and delved into entertainment, performing on television and in schools, community centres and parks across Canada.

“I just love performing,” he said. “It’s who I am. It’s just great to bring my music to enthusiastic kids across the country and have so much fun. I love seeing lots of new faces all the time.”

A big part of the show is getting children involved through actions, singing and dancing.

“When you’re performing for a young audience it’s really important to keep them moving and engaged to keep them really interested,” he said. “The kids really become part of the show. I really put an emphasis on that in my show.”

With a background in teaching, Stroet keeps his performances educational with songs about bike safety, hygiene, literacy and sports.

“A lot of the songs have a lesson,” he said. “The kids learn without realizing they are learning. It’s learning through a fun approach. My inner teacher definitely comes through in my performances and my songwriting.”

Stroet said his television series is geared towards the preschool audience as it airs after children leave for school, but said even those in elementary school enjoy the shows and performances – as do the parents.

“It’s music that parents can enjoy just as much as the kids,” he said. “There’s a lot of puns and all kinds of things that parents can have a chuckle at. It’s really important when you’re writing for kids to keep the parents in mind as well.”

One of the perks to performing in communities is being recognized by his fans.

“If they know the series when they see me in person a lot of them are quite surprised,” he said. “It’s just like when you see a teacher out of the context of the classroom. They are very excited to see me in person. When I start doing songs they’re familiar with it’s always a lot of fun.”

Some youngsters will be thrilled for not only the opportunity to sing and dance along but to join Will Stroet and the Backyard Band on stage during his last song.

“It’s such a great way to end the show to get some kids on the stage to dance and be part of the show,” he said. “It always brings a smile to everybody’s face.”

An hour before each of the two performances, youngsters with tickets are invited to take part in various sensory play stations and an art activity at the RPAC.

Tickets to see Will Stroet and the Backyard Band cost $10 for children and $15 for adults.

Tickets can be purchased online at, by calling 403-938-3204 or by going to the Okotoks Art Gallery.

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