Check out the Sheep Creek Arts Council

The board of the Sheep Creek Arts Council annual general meeting will be held at the center on April 23 at 1 p.m.

Our meeting will start off with a slide presentation hosted by the Turner Valley Oilfields Camera Club.

Following this, we will review our year’s activities and hold our election of board positions.

If you are interested in joining our board, please contact 403-933-4020 for more information as we are always looking for new members.

At the end of the meeting we will have a show and/or tell where those in attendance can bring something they made at the arts council.

We have such a diverse range of interests in our arts council and this is a chance to get to know members in other clubs amd classes and to appreciate the talent in our members.

If you are interested in pursuing a new art form or if you would like to get out and finish something you have started come out and see what the SCAC has to offer.

Join us for refreshments, goodies and socializing.

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