Column: Welcome September

September is a month of transformation.

The leaves start to change their colours, the sun starts to set a little bit earlier and the chill in the wind signifies the end of the summer and the beginning of fall and winter.

While September can often feel a little nostalgic due to the end of the summer it also comes with a buzz of excitement regarding the new beginnings that the year will bring.

Not only do we see changes in nature but in our daily lives as well.

Students go back to school, everyone comes back from vacation, goes back to work and we all return to daily life. It’s a common time for people to start a new job, move to a new place and pick up new habits. During the summer it is easy to get distracted by the nice weather and plentiful things to do. September, however, is usually a time where people buckle down and get back on track.

As a fresh graduate, this year is especially exciting because there are many more options than throughout K-12 schooling.

Graduated students are able to choose interest related courses at different universities or colleges, and move to different cities. Or they can start their own journey outside of the education system. Either way everybody is starting to find their own path and travel in different directions. It is a chance for a fresh start as we enter into adulthood.

Exciting times of change can be equally overwhelming as people re-integrate themselves into their new routines. Sometimes this stress can cause us to be less tolerant and harder on ourselves.

It’s normal to feel a little overwhelmed with all the sudden and drastic changes. It can take a bit of time to get comfortable in a new routine.

Don’t be overly hard on yourself as you adjust to the new changes in your life. Even though things get busy, make sure you carve out some moments to exercise, meditate, and breathe deeply as it can help relieve some of this stress.

Take the time to take care of yourself because you are worth it.

On top of the standard September madness, we have the additional turbulence of the election and potential changes to public health policies causing a lot of very strong opinions.

Now more than ever, it is important to remember that everyone is entitled to make their own choices and we should be respectful of everyone’s opinion even if it does not parallel our own. Show love and compassion to your friends, yourself, and even your enemies.

Speaking of change, this will be my last column for the Western Wheel.

I would like to say a huge thank you to the Western Wheel for giving me such an amazing opportunity. It is such a privilege to have been given this platform to share and connect with my community. The goal of this column was to bridge the gap between parents and kids and present a teenager’s perspective on different topics. In saying that, the last thing I would like to share with all parents is a huge thank you. We are forever grateful for your love, support and wisdom.

I hope September brings everybody lots of positive and growth inducing change.

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