Creative arts and physical activity open to seniors

Well, how did you survive one of the coldest Christmas and New Year’s weeks on record? It felt like Santa had brought the North Pole to our doorsteps for a little while.

Now, with January half over, we hope that everyone had some time to regroup, regenerate, and regain some control of their lives. The busy season is over, the days are getting longer and the sun is shining: time to focus on activities that stimulate our minds and bodies.

The Seniors Club is excited to learn that Marius Oelschig would like to begin creative writing sessions, if there is interest at the club. Marius is a very successful author and credits some of his success to working with the local writing group Write Away. He feels that creative writing is very beneficial to the well-being and general attitude of all people, and would like to share his talents with interested seniors. The sessions will be quite informal, with the main focus on people sharing experiences through writing and encouraging, as well as assisting each other within the group. What better way for seniors, with a wealth of life experiences, to share by putting their memories and thoughts on paper? Please call the club facilitator if you are interested in these sessions.

While we are on the topic of creative arts, Heather Peters is planning another Fun With Acrylics session on Wednesday, Feb. 7. She will provide all the materials at a cost to each participating club member of $15, which includes the club fee. Space is limited, so please call the club facilitator or drop in and sign up for this session. We are also trying to encourage members to participate in a drop- in and paint whatever you like afternoon, probably once a month on a Wednesday. The Seniors Club is in full swing again, with all regular activities.

Kathryn is running a basic line dancing session on Thursday mornings, after exercise class, because of interest from the members that feel they have two left feet. Soon, all the floor curling rocks will be refurbished and there will be more room for participants every Monday and Friday mornings. Come out and throw a few - no worries about falling on the ice.

The Seniors Club encourages all members to come out and join in activities of their choice. Healthy and active minds and bodies lead to a happy life.

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