Editorial: Give, not just when the giving's good

December is prime giving time for charities, but we think we, as donors, can do better all year round.

'Tis the season for giving: the most crucial time of year for the non-profit sector — and the most competitive.

Charities plan all year for holiday campaigns designed to draw donors when they are feeling their warmest and fuzziest. This makes sense. Nearly one-third, or 31 per cent, of annual giving occurs in December, according to data from Non-profit Tech for Good.

The year-end drive for donations is known universally in non-profit as the giving season, with countless organizations putting out hopeful asks for billions of dollars in this, their most powerful month.

The struggle for many, especially grassroots non-profit groups who do equally amazing work, is to gain economic ground amid all the marketing noise at this time of year.

It's not a criticism, to be sure, as all organizations do the kind of work donors are keen to get behind.

But so many get lost in the great holiday rush to attract supporters, as well-funded groups with high-profile causes draw attention with well-crafted campaigns.

Equally as competitive is the pursuit for grant funding from provincial and federal sources, dollars which must be applied for, reported to, and adjusted or re-applied for from year to year.

Once all is said and done — with program costs, operating expenses, and administration dollars calculated in — there is often little, if any, left over for the kind of marketing efforts needed to compete in the giving landscape.

It's a reason why the non-profit sector is known for attracting passionate innovators — key programs rely on their ability to help an organization stand out.

Perhaps we, as donors, can do more, not just during the holidays, but all through the year to make sure charities, big and small, have a solid shot at doing good work.

Don't stop giving to the larger group that aligns with a cause near and dear — they still need our support — but in addition, consider digging up a smaller organization to bring into your charitable fold.

And give, not just when the giving's good, but especially when the giving's not — make it a 12-month commitment, instead of a Christmassy gift of the 12-days' variety.

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