Finally playing the family sport

You could say curling has been a family sport.

My grandfather curled and so did both my parents. I was around the sport for much of my childhood. I have early memories of my dad trying to teach me how to sweep using his corn curling broom. Both my parents played for years while I was in elementary, junior high and high school.

The thing is, I have only curled once in my life. Once, that is, until this weekend.

I’ll be on the Western Wheel’s rink in Okotoks Curling Day, hosted by the Okotoks Curling Club on Oct. 3 from noon to 4 p.m.

I don’t know why, but somehow, during all the years my parents curled I never took up the sport.

I played basketball and soccer. I ran cross country and mountain biked. Other than one day in phys ed in Grade 12, I’ve never actually slid out of the hack to send a rock down a sheet of ice. That one attempt wasn’t anything to write about.

As I said, curling has been a family sport.

My dad has old black and white pictures of my grandfather and his rink when they played in clubs across Saskatchewan and southern Alberta. He also has my grandfather’s old curling stones. Both my parents curled on separate rinks in men’s and women’s leagues in Edmonton and they were part of a mixed rink with the parents of one of my oldest friends from elementary. My parents displayed the curling trophies from their days on the mixed rink until they completed basement renovations earlier this year.

As much as I’d like to hope some of the family legacy will rub off on Saturday, I’m not really expecting it. But, I’m looking forward to finally giving the family sport a try. I’ll be happy to get the rock anywhere in the house in the turkey shoot.

I’m also happy to say the Western Wheel will have a large contingent at the curling rink on Saturday, including publisher Matt Rockley, assistant editor Bruce Campbell and reporters Tammy Rollie and Remy Greer and office manager Gayle Wolfe.

I know, there’s only supposed to be four people on a rink. But, from what I hear, most of my team mates don’t have much more experience more than I do.

We’ll need all the help we can get.

Wish us luck.

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