Foothills Lions' Club attends district conference

Strathmore was chosen to host the Lions Club District 37-O convention. Twenty-nine Lions Clubs were represented with 234 registered convention delegates. Nomination, voting and election of officers took place on Saturday.

On Saturday afternoon, the Lions Club members and guests were treated to a presentation by Andrew Brash, Mt. Everest climber. Andrew gave a slide presentation showing the many mountain cliffs he scaled before attempting the Mt. Everest climb. The strength and courage he showed when overcoming disappointment in reaching the summit and the resolve to try again and succeed can be translated into each person’s life.

Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) develops and supports humanitarian projects that serve people in need. The following are the four main areas of focus:

Preserving sight: SightFirst has made it possible for more than 30 million people to have their vision improved or restored.

Supporting Youth: Lions Quest is a youth development program for Kindergarten through Grade 12. This program has served over 12 million children and teens in 78 countries.

Providing Disaster Relief: LCIF provide funds for immediate disaster relief for those in need of food, water and shelter. Lions members are hands-on at any disaster working wherever they are needed.

Meeting Humanitarian Needs: LCIF supports the construction of homes for the disabled, combats measles with vaccines and provides vision screening to Special Olympics athletes.

Learn more about the programs that LCIF supports at Our Programs. The website is available in many languages.

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