Hooray, summer is here

Well the calendar says it is summer so lets believe it and get ready for some great weather.

This has been quite a spring with more moisture than I can ever remember. I don’t think the grass can get any greener and you can almost watch it grow.

Funny a tree on my front lawn didn’t make the winter for some reason. It probably drowned.

The forecast is for some sunny days and believe me we need it. If you were lucky enough to get a garden planted it should do well.


Congratulations to all the Best of Foothills winners. Check out our feature in this issue. We were thrilled to get a record number of entries this year. Our area is certainly blessed with a great variety of shops and an over abundance of fantastic people.


Also, congratulations to Tracey and Lance Nakamura who won our inaugural summer barbecue contest. It is great when you have a family who is genuinely appreciative of winning. We could not have done it without some great local partners who helped put it on. Thanks everyone for helping kicking off summer.


Well the Okotoks Dawgs have not had the best weather to get their season going but it is all changing now. They have home games on Friday and Saturday evening this weekend so come on down to the ballpark and have some fun. The games start at 7:05 pm.


Looks like the postal strike will go on at least until the end of this week. It wouldn’t bother me if there was other options to get mail delivered but they have a monopoly on that business. Because of that they should not be allowed to strike and an arbitrator should settle it. There are businesses that rely on postal service and I don't think it is fair that they have to suffer.

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