I already got my Christmas wish

I officially started Christmas shopping over the weekend.

I got my niece and nephew’s wish list last week and it looks like I have my work cut our for me.

My nephew wants Hot Wheels, Jenga Quake, VTech Switch and Go Dinos, Hexbugs, Tonka toys, Planes Fire and Rescue and Lego. Then there’s the Playmobile fire truck and Pokemon. For my niece, it’s Duplo, Bubble Guppies, Paw Patrol, My Little Pony, a high chair for her dolls. Then there’s Barbie and a Barbie Car and she wants Playmobile too.

There, I think that’s it.

They might as well just grab a pen and start circling whole pages in the toy section of the Sears catalogue. That’s what I used to do.

Hey, they’re kids. What else can you expect this time of year.

Everyone else is pretty easy to please by comparison.

All my girlfriend wants is a book to help her with her master’s thesis and some gift cards to help her with groceries in Ottawa. If you ask my dad what he wants for Christmas, he usually sings about his two front teeth. According to my mom, he needs a couple new sweaters.

My sister has her eye on a new purse, while my brother-in-law needs to fix the eaves on their house.

“Okay, is there anything else you want?” I ask.

They all draw a blank.

Truth be told, we’re all pretty well set right now.

It’s the same thing when they ask me what I want. I draw a blank.

I don’t even need any more socks this year, but I need to change the differential fluid in my car and a new windshield wiper. That’s no fun, but, I already got what I wanted. I’m going to spend Christmas with my whole family for the first time in more than five years – parents, sister and her husband. It’s also the first time I will spend Christmas with my niece and nephew.

For everyone else, I think we all feel the same. We’re just happy to be together, the rest doesn’t really matter all that much.

I just better have some Hot Wheels, Lego, My Little Pony and Bubble Guppies for my niece and nephew or they won’t be too impressed with their uncle.

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