Lander pool is easy target for Turner Valley council

Dear Editor,

I believe the Town of Turner Valley council’s zealousness at reducing expenditures is once again using the Dr. Lander Memorial Pool as an easy target. Instead of reducing hours and services they should be increasing hours and services to accommodate the increasing population, and let’s not forget that our summer season is short enough as it is.

Has the council calculated the actual return on investment?

It doesn’t appear so.

I am the same age as the pool and have used the facility for over fifty years.

It is helping me and countless others maintain a healthy and active lifestyle so that we can enjoy our middle and advanced years and reduce costs to healthcare. It is creating lifetime memories, healthy lifestyle habits and lifesaving skills for our youth.

If spending money on that is considered a waste then I don’t really know what we need an administration for.

It is always interesting to see how the pendulum swings from the ongoing question of should we subcontract or hire in-house?

How about reducing consulting fees by 99.9 per cent and use the “in-house resources” who should be more than capable. Perhaps efficiency and performance reviews of staff and council would also contribute to further cost savings and eliminate true waste.

Another question that I hear ad nauseam is “what can we do for the local business?”

Is the council aware of how many people come to Turner Valley to use the pool? Does this not serve the local economy? Is that not a return on investment as well?

Perhaps they should look at some statistics pool managers have collected in the past before making mindless cuts.

Another refrain we hear from various Town councils is we need growth; to what end?

Perhaps that growth is costing too much and a reduction in capital expenditures and hiring project managers should be put on hold. If the Town can’t maintain the current facilities why are we adding more i.e. the new ball diamond?

I would like council to view the pool as a valuable resource instead of a white elephant. Our community has benefitted greatly from the progressive thinking of the founders of the Dr. Lander Memorial Swimming Pool. Alternatively, we can all go “Back to Nature” and take a dip in the river.

I urge the council and administrative staff to all purchase seasons’ tickets this year and support our pool.

Marina Moon


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