Letter: A need to listen to health leaders

Dear Editor,

As we unfortunately move into our second wave of this pandemic, we have no end of people wanting to cast blame on the reason for it.

We have less and less people singing the praises of all the front-line workers and business owners that are going above and beyond to give us the ability to have health care, buy food, schooling, get essential services that we need in our lives.

We live in a country where civil libertarians are in charge, these people think no one must do what they do not want to do; children should not be graded in school and everyone should be able to ignore rules.

These are the same people that think we should “Defund the police”, but when you ask them, okay if someone is trying to break into your home and do harm to your family who do you want to call? The police or a grief counsellor?

I have heard people saying that teenagers do not follow the rules, myself I have observed this can be correct. However, I have equally seen many teenagers wearing masks, social distancing, I have also seen many cases of young people going out of there way to offer random acts of kindness to older people struggling with the pandemic!

Older people are really struggling with all the rules as they are introduced and they change, so instead of getting upset with them why not help in any way you can. If someone is not wearing a mask, why bother confronting them? Just stay away from them. We have business owners and politicians that have risen to the challenge, but people still want to cast blame for what is happening. The reality its up to all of us to listen to the health care leaders and follow their lead.

Dan Robson


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