Letter: Article shows we must remain vigilant

Dear Editor,

I’d like to thank the Western Wheel for its recent piece which had interviews with members of the public about a possible mask mandate in the Diamond Valley.
It’s created a terrific opportunity for me to say “Hello!” to my fellow Covid 19 mitigators.

I see that you’re out there and that you’re on your game. I really appreciate it! And I’m doing the same as you.

It’s proof that we’re not islands in a stream, even if it feels that way sometimes. We’re a large group of engaged citizens and we’re helping all of the people who are doing the really heavy lifting.

We’re heroes! Although, let’s face it, we make it look easy and we look good doing it.

That said, we can’t let up. We’re still learning about Covid-19 every single day as science unravels its secrets.

Staying up-to-date with current news, including recommendations from Premier Kenney and Dr. Hinshaw, is crucial!

We’ve got to continue to wash our hands well and often, social distance whenever possible and rock our masks whenever we can’t. We know the drill. We just have to keep on doing it.

Now, if you’re like me and you read last week’s piece you may have felt a little stunned by the random Covid-19 misinformation and lack of interest in being educated about the pandemic.

On a first reading, I was pretty bummed out but I’ve decided I’m going to count the positives instead of focusing on the negatives.

Firstly, the interviews revealed that a lot of people are actually on the ball when it comes to Covid-19. Secondly, it’s served as a reminder of just how many people in the Diamond Valley may have behaviors which make them high risk vectors.

Although not a scientific sampling of the population, the article provided data which reminds us as to why we must maintain our vigilance as we continue to live our lives in the age of corona.

In closing, to all the mitigators of the foothills, we’ve got this and we are awesome.

A. Witney
Black Diamond

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