Letter: Childcare at $10 a day

Dear Editor,

Who could be against mothers and children?

Clever move on the part of the progressive left. All premised on the assumption that mothers need to work for their own good and to add to collective GDP. “Work will set them free”.

The only road block in Alberta is Kenney and his mindless 20th century concept against having to borrow billions of dollars per year to pay for it. Remember Trudeau “wants to spend your money so you don’t have to”. 

Meanwhile the source of funding which could pay for this out of cash flow (no debt) is under threat by the very government seeming addicted to growing GDP to grow their “services.”

How many daycare spaces could be provided with the taxes generated by Keystone XL or TransMountain?

Here’s a heads up, our federal government values a half dozen humming birds (reason for shutting down TMX construction) more than child care, GDP, people’s career ambitions and the future of Alberta combined. Want to go with their program? It’s a lot more than $10/day.

Ed Osborne


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