Letter: Civic duty should not to include fear of others

Dear Editor,

I read with interest the Letter to the Editor last week titled ‘\COVID protection is a community concern.

The letter-writer had my attention and empathy until she wrote: “I felt comfortable and safe until a family of three walked in—unmasked—talking and laughing as if the world were normal…” 

Civic duty— as she refers to in the letter—does not, for me, include the fear of (unmasked) others and the shaming of fellow citizens and businesses. This is becoming far too prevalent in our society nowadays.

I could not help but think of a few quotes from Orwell’s dystopian novel: 1984:  “There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy…There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother…There will be no enjoyment of the process of life.”

These certainly are troubling times as we trudge forward during this self-perpetuating purgatorial pandemic.

Iggy Hozjan


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