LETTER: Don’t let one complainer spoil public art in Okotoks

A small sculpture made by artist Gordon Mackey stares out from a log. The figure is one of many Mackey placed along the Sheep River pathways in Okotoks to spread joy.

Dear Editor, 

It is a well-accepted fact that there are grumpy people in the world – even in Okotoks. 

Walking the river trail loop on Thursday afternoon, I saw a notice posted by Gordon Mackey that his little works of rustic art adorning the north side trail were to be removed on order of the Town of Okotoks.  

A bit further on I actually met Mackey unscrewing one of them. He said someone had complained about their presence. He also said he had received thanks for the entertainment his art provided. 

To the members of the Town administration, what power does a grumpy complainer have that outweighs everyone else's entertainment? To the person who doesn't like what they see, then don't look – and there are other trails you can use to ease your sensitive eyes. 

Administrations everywhere are being far too sensitive to minority complaints, and though they may have to listen to them as part of their responsibilities, they don't have to act on them. 

I encourage readers of this paper who use the trails and enjoy Mackey's little additions to the joy of their walk to contact the mayor, tell her to have the complainer take a hike and let Mackey carry on with his nature art exhibit. 

Tony Burton 


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