LETTER: Even long-time Albertans are ready to ditch winter

Dear Editor, 

This winter I have especially enjoyed you sharing your feelings about our Alberta winter — its expectations and its disappointments.   

When you wrote, sadly, that winter doesn't want to let go, you were right. Even those of us who have lived in chinook country for decades feel the same. 

We get to enjoy those breaks where a chinook sweeps in and the snowpack disappears in sunny locations. It's so nice to see some bare grass again.  

The temporary melt looks like a sure sign of an early spring, but the next day another cold snap and snow dumps on us, and it looks and feels like the middle of winter again. 

We can't trust that hopeful saying, "Spring forward, fall back." No, we won't put away the boots and mitts and warmest jackets yet.  

Joy Hinman 

Diamond Valley 

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