LETTER: ‘Green’ projects aren’t necessarily healthy

Dear Editor, 

As I sit here and ponder the future of our beautiful province and what it will mean for our next generations, I feel sad and regretful. 

Our government is plowing ahead with "green" technology paid for by huge cash input from the bank of taxpayers. Most of these projects are of limited life, will require major improvements and at the end of their days recycling. Likely not of interest to the big corporations who will greedily grab any and all credits and profits they can. 

None of these "new" projects have data to prove they are healthy for our environment or population: Solar farms that require major footprints of often agricultural land; wind turbines that require oil and affect the pattern of the wind and all the insects and birds around; biodigesters with open digestate ponds, methane and ammonia leaks, massive water allocations and more agricultural footprint. 

Who is pushing such changes to our province and who will be responsible and effective enough to stand against it? 

Allison Silverson 

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