LETTER: Kudos to hockey coaches for their positive impact

Dear Editor, 

It's said that it takes a village to raise a child or, in this case, a hockey player. 

The Okotoks Minor Hockey Association is doing a fabulous job of raising hockey players. All the volunteers, parents, coaches, team managers, league officials and others can take pride in being part of a well-run organization. 

At the heart of every team are the coaches who have the foundational job of teaching kids how to play our great game. They organize, lead, inspire and give youngsters confidence on and off the ice. The untold hours of planning and practicing are manifest in the games we watch and cheer. 

All good coaches understand that it’s not really about winning, it’s about engendering a love for the game, an appreciation for team play and creating an atmosphere where learning can be fun. Sadly some, and thankfully few, see winning as the ultimate objective which overlooks the real reason our kids play the game in the first place. 

Don’t get me wrong, games are and should be competitive to inspire players to improve their skills and be better. We are seeing this evolution as our grandkids progress to higher levels of minor hockey. 

It’s gratifying to see this growth and the enjoyment the kids are having in playing “our game” thanks in large part to great coaching. A big and hearty pat on the back to all the outstanding coaches for the positive impact you are having on the hockey players in this village we call Okotoks. Well done! 
Bryan Walton 


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