Letter: Town employee's courteousness appreciated

Dear Editor,

Wow, it has been a long time since I have written a letter to the editor  I moved away from Okotoks in 2003 however I do stay in touch.

I was compelled to write out of gratitude for one of your town workers who showed so much respect yesterday when I visited my mum, dad and husband's place of rest. As I drove in there  was a "dust-storm" caused by this special gent doing a spring clean-up.

As I approached he immediately stopped work until I had passed. This occurred again as I was leaving.

I would like to say thank you to whoever that thoughtful soul was. You made my visit so much more "comfortable" and you thoughtfulness remained with me for my trip home to Olds. 

God bless you my dear, and I hope you are appreciated by many more people for your kindness and thoughtfulness.Thank you so much.     

Patsy Ann Jones

Olds, formerly of Okotoks



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