Letter: Town taking the right position on coal mining

Dear Editor,

I would like to commend town council on taking the position that they have regarding coal mining in the area north of Crowsnest Pass.

While I'm not anti-mining per se, there is already a lot of coal mining west of there in the Elk Valley. The area in consideration is currently a beautiful backcountry area and needs to stay unspoiled and undeveloped. Wildlife and clean water are already under enough pressure - we cannot afford to lose more and more natural areas of our mountains.
The other consideration is the manner in which the provincial government made their decision to cancel the coal policy that was implemented in 1976.

If there had to be changes made then that's acceptable but not to cancel it with no public or stakeholder input.

As a people we have to be vigilant in making sure that these kinds of decisions are made in an open and transparent manner and with public consultation. Kudos to our town council for having a longer-range vision on this matter.

John Carmicheal


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