Letter: Variety proves to be the pick of the litter

Dear Editor,

Some notes from an afternoon picking trash out of ditches: Litterbugs: we really don’t mind this job: fresh air, sunny afternoon, good exercise. But we have some questions and comments.

To the guy who drinks Brava Lager: Dude, you aren't’ even finishing your beer before you throw it out. What’s up with that?

To the Green Party: ironically, yours was the only election sign we picked up out of the ditch.

Corona drinkers: ha ha, we get the irony of picking up your cans during the pandemic.

And to the person who tossed out one dozen mussel shells, what’s that all about? The preferred beer to drink and toss out here (south of Black Diamond) is Bud Lite.

Length of time to drink Tim Hortons coffee — about the time it takes to drive 10 kilometres.

To all of you Sunday afternoon motorists who slowed down, waved, tooted your horn, yelled “thank you” out the window—thank you right back for your encouragement. We’ll be out on ditch detail again soon, please honk and wave.

Doris Daley

Turner Valley/Black Diamond


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