LETTER: Wait for the water before expanding

Dear Editor, 

I just read the reported address of the mayor of Okotoks and I am concerned about her optimistic perspective on water.  

It gives the impression of an ostrich approach to a twofold issue that has been known in Okotoks for several years — limited water supply and limited growth. 

It appears (and I use the term appears because I am not in possession of all the information that may justify an expansion of our population) that the water issue is completely neglected for the benefit of expansion at all costs. 

Last year Calgary released information that Bow River was at alarming low levels. There is a pipeline that is in the works, but has not been built, and houses that are popping up all over the outskirts of Okotoks at a really high rate. 

Would it not make sense to first secure the water solution and then expand when planning can be done accordingly? 

G. Schaeffer 


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