Letter: Wheel misses mark in mayor tribute

Dear Editor,

Without detracting from the worthy accomplishments of Bill Robertson during his three terms as Okotoks mayor, a more nuanced assessment of his tenure would also include at least two notable instances wherein his response to the concerns of town residents was to declare impotence.

First, when residents complained about the annoyance of train whistles at night, Mr. Robertson proclaimed that his protests were powerless against CP Rail, even though other jurisdictions have prevailed when they assertively pressed the matter.

Second, in 2019 residents expressed alarm about the transformation of the Okotoks Aerodrome into a busy, commercial airstrip situated in the midst of a residential neighbourhood and in close proximity to a school and a daycare.  Although highly valid concerns were raised with the mayor about personal safety, property devaluation, and diminished quality of life due to noise pollution, Mr. Robertson again fecklessly and disingenuously claimed that there was nothing he could do about the matter.

Furthermore, he attempted to place the onus on Transport Canada, although they, in fact, wield no authority over how airstrips utilize their facility.

Moreover, although in 2019 Mr. Robertson declared that "the town can't do much" about residents’ concerns, since that date his administration has apparently been sufficiently empowered to issue business licences to the Calgary/Okotoks Flying School, Foothills Helicopter Training Academy, Access Helicopters, and In Flight Data, thereby further disregarding the concerns of residents and fostering the further commercialization of this airstrip.

I respectfully submit that a more comprehensive accounting of Mr. Robertson’s time as mayor would include more than your glossed celebration of his accomplishments.

Rick Westman


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