Letter: Wheel shouldn't provide a Notley soapbox

I am appalled with the Western Wheel and its editor’s publication of the article Former premier states UCP upheaval raises concerns. Why would anyone, much less the editor of the Western Wheel, waste any time, effort, and ink reporting what Rachel Notley has to say?

May I remind you dear editor that Rachel Notley and her NDP government did more harm than good to Alberta and Albertans while in term.

Let me refresh your memory sir: 1) she didn’t not stand up and fight nearly enough with Justin Trudeau for the Trans Mountain pipeline, in fact it became apparent that she became very ‘cozy’ with the young anti-Alberta Prime Minister, 2) under her watch unemployment skyrocketed, 3) our provincial debt increased +50 billion, 4) the loss of over 50,000 private sector jobs, 5) the public service sector job number increased by over 78,000, 6) surprised Albertans with an outlandish carbon tax, etc., etc.

Now, I’m no fan of the UCP and yes the UCP is having internal problems (what governing party hasn’t/isn’t) but Kenney et al seem to be dealing with it. And if memory serves me right the NDP has had its problems too.

No, to publish any article focused on the NDP, especially the one noted that gives Notley a soapbox to stand on and criticize the governing party in light of the destruction she and her party left in their wake when they were vanquished is audacious, disgusting, and I suspect unacceptable to many of us Albertans!

Jim Tabor


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