Life just got more expensive

The Light Up Okotoks event last Friday was amazing.

Hats off to Mark Doherty, Okotoks events coordinator, and the entire events team for bringing it all together.

It’s really incredible how the community has embraced that event and how it has evolved into the magical evening that it is.

For the first time this year we set up a Christmas tree photo booth at the Western Wheel office.

Lots of people came in for a family photo, a friend photo or a photo with their dog.

We charged $5 per photo, which went towards the Western Wheel Cares charity fundraiser.

We all had a great time and I hope that you did too.

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I’ve heard that the Alberta Government’s proposed carbon tax is getting praise from lots of people who won’t actually have to pay the carbon taxes.

Does paying more for something make it more environmentally friendly?

At this stage in the game, I really don’t think so.

I’ve got places to go and people to see, therefore I fill up with gas whether it costs $0.85 per litre or $1.25 per litre.

Is there an electric vehicle that can tow a camping trailer?

I don’t think that there is, so I’m probably stuck with my pick-up truck as long as my kids are still willing to go camping with their parents.

It has been reported that the annual carbon tax costs to the average family in Alberta will be $500 by 2018.

Would the NDP have received so many votes in the last provincial election if we knew this was coming?

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