Macleod MP gets deserving promotion

It was announced on Tuesday Macleod MP Ted Menzies was promoted to Minister of State of Finance. Menzies, who was the parliamentary secretary for Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, will assume the new post which is a low level cabinet position in Ottawa. It is a great move for Menzies who was named the hardest working MP last year by Maclean’s magazine.

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I was looking back at papers a year ago and guess what the main topic was? You guessed it, water. I began to reflect on what we have accomplished in the past year and realized we have received a couple water licences that will help with some growth but certainly not the long-term solution we are looking for. Will this be the year that we actually study some solutions that will make the problem go away? Is anyone interested in what the costs would be for options like a reservoir or a pipeline? Is anyone interested in a regional solution that would help our neighbours as well? Is anyone interested in what level of support we could get from other levels of government?

This is the council that needs to make those tough decisions so don’t be afraid to share your thoughts with the present town council.

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We would like to congratulate Lakeview Inns and Suites as they have partnered with “Clean the World” to collect and recycle hotel soaps and bottled amenities in Okotoks and throughout their 40 plus locations in North America. The used soaps and amenities will become lifesaving hygiene items to children and families around the world. So far Clean the World has diverted 390 tons of hotel amenities from reaching the area landfills.

What a great project!

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I see the Okotoks Dawgs will be hosting their annual awards banquet on Jan. 22 at the Centennial Centre. This is always a great event and our opportunity to give back to the Dawgs a little as they have become a huge Okotoks supporter in so many ways. See you there!

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