News from the Valley Neighbours Club

The Windmill Theatre Players will present Nunsense at the Highwood Memorial Centre in High River and our events chairperson has arranged for interested VNC members to attend the dinner theatre performance on April 23. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Cost is $45.

Sheep River library will be featuring A Passion for Falcons with John Campbell Jr. on March 17 at 7 p.m. According to my favorite librarian, this promises to be a very popular presentation.

Hope you remembered to set your clocks ahead on the weekend so you weren’t late for church.

Watch for the return of our beloved bluebirds by mid-month. Don’t look so surprised, after all the first day of spring is only 10 days away, We can expect the red tails and tree swallows back before months end as well, and the geese are already here.

Congratulation to John Swales, who won the prestigious open bridle competition in Fort Worth in late February aboard Maximum Echo.

Have a grand St. Patrick’s Day.

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