News from the Valley Neighbours Club

We had our last duplicate session for 2015 on Saturday and we are all enjoying it very much. We will begin again on Jan. 9.

The garden club’s final meeting of the year was in the form of a mini Christmas celebration. Some of the members made really attractive centerpieces and everyone brought some Christmas goodies. There were 12 of us, so that was a good representation.

The final afternoon bingo will be on Dec. 18. We’ll have a special cake and prizes, so come join the fun. The line dancers wind up their season on the 17th with a luncheon to follow dancing. Sounds like all we do is eat. My friend’s doctor suggested he slim down and he said “Doc, I’ve given up smoking, drinking and women, if I have to give up eating, there won’t be much left to live for.”

Our trophy case is almost completed. Alfred stopped by on Thursday to give us an update, he is having trouble matching the stain to the existing bingo board cabinet. However, he is doing his best and, I am sure, the end result will be something we will be proud of. He is truly an artist at his craft.

Kudos to the students of Turner Valley School on their project to build a wheelchair-accessible playground. Okotoks Costco has donated $5,000 and the kids are busy writing letters to local businesses, Rachel Notley, Justin Trudeau and even Queen Elizabeth (who replied to their letter but did not send a check). Watch the video by accessing “dare to dream/Turner Valley school.”

Next Monday is the shortest day of the year so it’s uphill to spring, right?

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