No sensationalism in crime report

Dear Editor,
In regards to last week's letter concerning the front page story on Dec. 16 Charges laid after shots fired in Okotoks, in my  opinion (the story) did not sensationalize  crime.

It was a news report on a crime that took place in Okotoks. I have lived In Okotoks since 1993, there has  always been crime in Okotoks of one kind or another,  in past years if one read the front page of the Wheel you got the impression that Okotoks was a  place where crime  didn't happen,  those stories were usually somewhere on the inner pages.

I recall one edition where the Wild Rose Jewelry store had been broken into,  thousands of dollars in items were stolen, this crime was mentioned  on inner pages of the Wheel, the front page story was of the opening of the then new bridge near the library crossing the river over to the Woodhaven area of  town it included a picture of couple with smiles on their faces walking across the bridge.

News  may be  different things to different people, the opening of a bridge for example to me is an announcement. If  news happens to have an element of criminal activity  it should be on the front page. 

Gary Mason


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