Nothing soft about surviving winter

Bruce Campbell, editor

In case you haven’t noticed, it’s cold outside.

Since moving to the Great White North in 1969 from what I thought was kind of cold Denver, I still haven’t got used to the spells of -30 below.

I recall the first time I went through one of these things and I saw all these cars plugged in, I thought wow, Canada is way ahead of the game — they have electric cars.

Nope, just plugging them into something called a blockheater.

I can’t believe how tough some people are. Over the weekend I saw a young lady dressed in those ripped jeans, she had to be cold.

And I still can’t get over the people who run like a bat out of Hades from the parking lot to the gym in shorts. It boggles the imagination.

Hey and then there was the post of Dave Proctor talking about going for his run on the weekend when it was -27C.

I guess that’s what is needed to train for a record-breaking run across Canada this summer.

Let’s face it, sometimes Dave’s running laces aren’t always going to the top hole, if you know what I mean.

I recall Tiger Williams saying something to the effect that while growing up in Saskatchewan only the soft wear scarves.

Well I am soft — especially with the layers I wear. If I had a coat I would be the Pillsbury Dough Guy.

I have also developed a $90 a month Yaktrax habit as I try not to go butt over tea-kettle on the ice.

They work great, but I lose them more often than I lose my keys…

Anyway, time to stop complaining. I’m the second biggest whiner I know…

The first being the whine and squeal of my luxury Accent when I start it in the morning.


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