Refreshing walk not so refreshing

Last week when a chinook blew through southern Alberta I thought it was an opportune time to start walking to work again.

Really, I thought there would be no better way to start my day than a nice brisk walk in the cool morning air.

Besides, I would also be doing my part for the environment by leaving my car in the garage.

By the time I finished my bowl of Booberry cereal I was actually looking forward to an invigorating 15 minute trek through the fresh winter snow.

I stepped out of my house eager to breath in the fresh, clean morning air along the Sheep River valley.

As a I walked towards the river escarpment I realized just how lucky we are to live in such a picturesque community where one can walk along a wonderful pathway system with the Rocky Mountains to the west and the exquisite Sheep River valley below.

However, by the time I arrived at work I did not feel clean nor refreshed.

If anything, I felt ashamed, embarrassed and downright dirty.

During my morning walk to work I was absolutely disgusted by the amount of dog feces on and along the pathway.

Honestly, I felt like I took my walk through a litterbox rather than what I believed to be a pristine river valley.

During the summer months I walk or jog along the pathways around my home on a regular basis, but I have never noticed the amount of waste along the path. Perhaps it is because of the grass and bush along the path camouflaging the excrement.

Or, because it is winter do dog owners simply believe they do not need to pick up after their pets? Do they think their dog’s waste will simply wash away once the snow melts? No, it is more likely to sit right there and be a stinky pile of you know it come spring. If it did wash away it be into the river.

If it is this bad in the winter I am assuming it is just as bad in the summer.

Regardless, it is a disgrace and there is simply no excuse.

When you take your dog out for a walk it is your job to be prepared. The Town has also done an excellent job of providing bags and garbage cans along the pathways.

Come on people, take some pride in your community, bend over and clean up after your pets because I am sick of taking my morning walk through your dog’s toilet.

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