Rhubarb tea, quilt show a success

The 10th annual rhubarb tea, bake sale and quilt show held on June 6 was again a great success, thanks largely to the hard work of our members and the assistance of volunteers from the community.

The Sheep Creek Arts Council especially wishes to recognize the festival originators Evelyn Richmond and Sylvia Telford (who made the trips from Stettler to attend this anniversary year). Without the rhubarb from the gardens of Sandra Farr Jones, Wayne Steiger, Gail Briggs and Mary Howe and others, we wouldn’t have been able to provide our customers with rhubarb pie and crisp and the baked goods so many have come to enjoy. Thank you all.

We also wish to acknowledge Doug Lansdell for driving his antique truck in the parade and once again carrying our signs. Mark Mueller, from Country Food Market, donated all the ice cream and creamers as well as delivering the soft drinks used in the punch. Gwenn Smith co-ordinated the tea and Sheila Virgo organized the quilt show.

Barbara Ducharme and Mary Howe (with the ovens of the Black Diamond Bakery) prepared fifty rhubarb pies, served at the tea and sold as part of the bake sale. Without the servers, kitchen help and those who helped set up and take down the tables, the festival would not have been possible. We appreciate your efforts.

The quilt show drew oohs and aahs of administration at the colour co-ordinations and effort involved to produce these fibre works of art. There were first and second place winners chosen by the public in the large size category and the smaller size category. Nancy Neufeld’s quilts took first place in both categories. She is a member of the Diamond Valley Quilt Club. Dorothy Odell Robinson, of the High River handicraft guild, was chosen as the second place winner in the large quilt category and Joyce Ganchar, from the Chinook Quilt Guild, took second place in the small quilted article category. Winners of the door prizes were Nicola Kendall, the quilted table runner. Judy Olson won the rhubarb pie in the fancy carrier.

Mark the first Saturday in June 2016 in your calendar for the next Sheep Creek Arts Council rhubarb tea, bake sale and quilt show.

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