Some good news at last

My trust in humanity went up a couple notches when common sense prevailed and Guillermo Cervantes received a two-year extension to his work permit. I hope that the common sense continues and permanent residency is granted to the Cervantes family as soon as possible. This family has been through enough stress with the uncertainty around the work permit extension challenges. The sooner the better for a permanent solution so that this lovely family can carry on with their lives and make positive contributions to their community ****** I’ve walked across the new Laurie Boyd Pedestrian Bridge a few times now and that entire pedestrian corridor across the River valley turned out really well. I’m really impressed by the new bridge up to the pathway along the Woodhaven escarpment. Now we can walk, ride a bike, take a scooter or wheelchair from Woodhaven to the library without any stairs. Combined with the new sidewalks along Veterans way, the busy pedestrian corridor from Milligan Drive on the north end of town to Woodhaven Drive on the south end has seen major upgrades. Every time I’ve gone across the new bridge there were other folks out there using it too so it looks like its being well used already. ****** A young couple bought an old home from two elderly brothers. Winter arrived and the new owners discovered the house’s complete lack of insulation. When the temperature plunged below zero, the interior walls got covered with frost. The young husband stated, “If they could live here all those years, so can we!” He called the brothers to ask how they had kept the house warm. After a rather brief conversation, he hung up. “For the past 30 years,” he muttered, “They’ve gone to Arizona for the winter.”

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