Stache better keep me warm

November is going to be a cold month and I am not talking about the snow.

Tuesday was my last day with a clean shaven face as I embark on this wild adventure known as Movember.

I have never participated in this

I can honestly say in my 40 years I have grown a mustache and beard only once and that was when I was poor and lazy in university.

Granted, I am still poor and lazy, but I have had good incentive to remain clean shaven in my adult years.

You see, my lovely wife absolutely hates facial hair. So much if I go a few days without shaving, which I am apt to do on holidays for instance, I get the cold shoulder.

Once I get a bit beyond the five o’clock shadow she will not so much as kiss this mug.

I am not sure what the problem is really. She says it is too prickly, like a little whisker burn is going to hurt anyone. Besides it keeps my face warm in the winter and I wouldn’t want to get frost bite on my cheeks when I take the garbage out.

Regardless, I am willing to make the sacrifice for my other Mo bros.

Of, course the sacrifice I am making is nothing compared to those men suffering with prostate cancer or their friends and family providing them with love and support.

Myself and the guys at the Okotoks Western Wheel have jumped on board this Movember and we will be growing our best “Trucker”, “Brother from a Another Mother” or “Boxcar” staches over the next month. We will be helping to raise awareness for prostate cancer and hopefully a little money as well.

Keep abreast of our progress as well be updating our pictures on our website ( and our facebook page every week. Let us know who has the best and worst mustache, give us some feedback and, if you wish, make a donation at

We are going to have some fun with this to shed some light on something not all that amusing.

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