Stocking gifts kept me sane

During the holiday season we all think about Christmases past, be it favourite memories, cherished gifts or unforgettable parties, but for me it was the late night vigils awaiting the Jolly Old Elf.

My parents had a strict rule we could not arouse them until 8 a.m. on Christmas Day, but that made no difference to me.

I think I slept eight hours on Christmas — total, like for my entire childhood.

Martin Short’s famous Ed Grimley SCTV skit “The Fella Who Couldn’t Wait for Christmas” was me to a tee.

I would be up all night thinking about what lay ahead the following day: opening presents, playing with a new game or G.I. Joe; laying on the red shag carpet flipping through a new Tintin book; sneaking treats from the box of chocolates; and going see grandma and grandpa.

My only saviour, the only thing which kept me sane those nights, was my Christmas stocking.

Sure, there were some incredible Christmas gifts over the years — the LEGO castle and Millenium Falcon come to mind —but what I enjoyed the most each Christmas was sneaking into the living room and finding my stocking.

Knowing it would have to keep me occupied for several hours Santa was clever enough to throw a couple of toys into the stocking.

Sure, there was the Lifesavers story book and a Christmas orange and when I was older deodorant or cologne. I remember my first one was a bottle of English Leather in a handsome wooden box. Stylin’.

However, I would love to sneak around the Christmas tree to see what Santa brought and with the deft skill of Snake Eyes snatch my stocking from the fireplace and sneak back to my room to dump out my new treasures. For hours I would sit under my covers playing war games with my army men, build roads over my sheets for my dinky cars or read comics.

Santa I can’t wait to see what you tuck into my stocking this year. Just remember, it has to keep me busy until my own kids wake up.

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