The boy finally finds his life's passion

He is a pig, he is lazy, he kinda smells and he drives me absolutely crazy.

I am not being cruel. In fact, I am confident, in all honesty, he would agree with me all accounts.

But every now and again he does something so redeeming you remember why you love him.

Recently I mentioned my 20-year-old son moved home. It was pretty easy to see he was back — follow the empty potato chip bags and moldy glasses of milk to his lair in the basement.

Since he has been home he has pushed his mom and dad to their wits end and just when we were about to jump off to our gruesome demise he pulled us back.

On Friday he called and he never calls me. I feared the worst. He lost yet another job.

You see, since the boy graduated from culinary arts college he has held numerous jobs including everything from working the line in kitchens in some of Calgary’s top restaurants to stocking shelves at a small town liquor store.

Holding down the job has been, well, a challenge.

There are a variety of reasons and excuses — everything from bad bosses, alarmed did not go off, not enough or too many hours.

Essentially, responsibility was not a word he learned at college and apparently a lesson he ignored vehemently from his parents.

Until now.

When I answered the phone he just wanted to tell me he earned a promotion to sous chef at the new Okotoks restaurant where he has been working for several weeks.

It has taken some time, but it appears my boy has finally found his passion.

Being passionate about your career is essential. He has found that passion and with it his infectious smile and enthusiasm for life have finally returned.

When he told me about his new job I could not hide my own smile.

As parents, we all know our children can drive us to the brink of insanity. However, we also want nothing but success and joy in life.

When they are they are unhappy and having trouble finding their way we are also unhappy.

Son, you have found that joie de vive and I could not be more proud.

His room? Don’t ask.

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