The Kenney factor

Just when we thought Alberta politics could not get any more interesting, enter Jason Kenney. The smart, steady former Harper cabinet minister looked at the federal leadership but wisely decided that he could do more back home in Alberta by running to lead the PC Party. Of course, it doesn’t stop there. He has a vision to unite the two conservative parties and to take back Alberta from the NDP.

Having attended several town hall meetings across southern Alberta, the message was clear. Number one, the unification of all conservatives under one entity must happen immediately. Number two is that a new face must step up to lead it. Number three is to start over with a new party, minus the baggage of the current provincial parties.

At the time, I thought it was a long shot on all accounts. The PC Party voted to stay the course, and a strong leader on the Wildrose side emerged confident that he could carry the day. I do appreciate both sides, their passion for Alberta politics and the confidence they can win. The problem is the door remains open for another NDP government if they continue on this course. The Wildrose is polling very high right now and if an election was held today they would likely win a solid minority or even a slim majority. The key here is “if.” The fact is this is more of a marathon than a dash and the problems that the “Rosies” have had over the years gives me cause for pause. As for the PC side, they are back to the smokey back room, elitist approach to politics that I really dislike. Delegated conventions may be good for TV but they are bad for democracy.

Many of you know that I am also a fan of Brian Jean. I will never downplay his intelligence or his love of this province. I also remind myself that, when the chips were down, he stood up and led the Wildrose into opposition. Brian really has an opportunity to make Alberta great again if he can stay the course and show strong leadership. This will only help if the opportunity to make one party a reality comes about. Back to Jason, look out for a guy that has vision, a strong campaign team and endorsements from Harper and Rona Ambrose. Mix in a five-point plan that includes winning the PC leadership, negotiating a merger between the two parties, getting the grassroots to vote on it, holding a founding party/leadership convention and, finally, gathering a solid group of people to run.

This is a very tall order but, in my view, it must be accomplished. Although I am hearing a lot of negative things from inside the PC party, the real truth is that the federal conservatives are a lot stronger here and they are almost 100 per cent behind Kenney. I will be interested to see how the delegate selection is conducted. One would hope that local boards will not be appointing delegates. It would be democratic to at least sell memberships and have local party members determine who should represent Highwood in a now very important leadership race. A race, by the way, that wouldn’t have gained any attention without Kenney’s participation. I saw an Insight West poll that had the PC Party taking the lead provincially if Kenney wins leadership. In talking to Wildrose members I know that many of them, even the hardest of the hardcore, like Kenney and would support him. Why wouldn’t they? Kenney is as good at retail politics as anyone. His experience and political intelligence is top notch as well. He may just be able to do what Klein did, that is circumnavigate the party elites and grab the brass ring.

As you know I have been searching for a way to unify the right and defeat the NDP and I think this may be a real solution. Don’t believe the hype. Conservative, entrepreneurial, and sensible Albertans are still the majority. They just need a reason to come out to vote!

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