Valley Neighbours Club news

It’s time to start packing your Samaritan’s Purse shoebox. Deadline week is Nov. 19 to 25. You may pick up and drop off your boxes at Valley Neighbours’ Club. This is a project dear to my heart; it is so much fun to tuck in those special little treats. Loraine’s church in Lethbridge expects to pack 2,500 boxes this year and I understand this year the boxes from Western Canada will be going to Central and South America.

There are numerous things going on in our little town this weekend. Sheep Creek Art’s Council will sponsor a slide show on Friday, Oct. 26 at 7:30 p.m. Enjoy an armchair trip down the amazing Dempster Highway, Canada’s only all-season public road to cross the Arctic Circle, or plan to attend “Authors Among Us” at the Sheep River Library on Oct. 27 from noon to 4 p.m.

Mark your calendar for the Ladies Auxiliary shopping spree and bake sale at our Legion from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Nov. 3.

The regular monthly executive meeting for VNC will be on Oct.r 25. Note the time of noon, as we will have Beverly Quail from Living Well in Okotoks as our guest. We are endeavouring to set up an exercise group for VNC if we have enough interest and can work out a day and time that the building is not otherwise occupied.

Our club will hold a euchre tournament to vie for the Gordon Richmond Memorial Trophy on Nov. 5, 12, 19 and 26. It will be an aggregate three out of four week score. Registration fee is $10 and there is a sign up sheet on the board. Any VNC member is eligible to take part.

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