Valley Neighbours Club news

Congratulations to James Lee for receiving the Governor’s certificate of appreciation for his many years of service with the Lion’s club. The Lion’s eye bank has been in operation for so long we tend to forget the good it does worldwide. Drop off your used eyeglasses at the Turner Valley Legion, D/V Vision Care or Costco in Okotoks.

The VNC annual meeting will be on Jan. 24. There will be a potluck luncheon at noon with the annual/general meeting to follow at 1 p.m. There are two executive positions to be filled and the nominating committee has this under control, so come out and exercise your franchise.

You might be interested to know researchers say working out is the most effective way to protect the brain from Alzheimer’s.

We send our condolences to Fae Winthrop’s family. Bob and Fae were our neighbours for the many years Chuck and I lived in Millarville, and wonderful neighbours they were.

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