Valley Neighbours Club news

The next garden club meeting will be March 14 at 1:30 p.m. We will have a round table discussion on starting seeds, and there will be a seed exchange.

The 55+ Alberta Senior Summer Games will be in Barrhead/Westlock July 25-28. We welcomed Norma Dawson, our 55+ representative, to our general meeting on Thursday. The playoff locations for our area have already been decided, so we will not be hosting any of the preliminaries. Duplicate bridge playoffs are on June 8 in Cochrane. We will discuss sending a team for floor curling. The playoffs for floor curling are on May 4 and the location has not been finalized.

Wayne Savage has donated a handmade garden ornament which will be raffled at our Easter dinner. Come by the club and get your ticket, it really is a beautiful piece that would look well in your garden.

Stage West was interesting. They chose members from the audience and two from our group were chosen. The roads were tricky, but we had a good driver. Thanks to Dale and Mary-Anne for organizing this outing.

The men’s group did a very good job of the chili supper at Lewis Memorial on Saturday night, caesar salad and tasty desserts and plenty of atmosphere. It was quite fun.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all the leprechauns in our midst.

We send our love and prayers to the Thomson family on Howard’s sudden passing.

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