Valley Neighbours' Club news

The floor curling schedule has been drawn up. You may check your times at VNC, or your skip will have called you to advise your time for Sept. 16. We need three curlers to fill the roster for full time participation and we are in need of spares as well. Call Philip at 403-933-7991 if you are interested. It is a lot of fun and we have pot luck lunches and turkey shoots to make things even more interesting.

The Thanksgiving dinner and silent auction is set for Oct. 6. You may bring your silent auction items any time and leave them in the games room. If anyone is interested in cooking a turkey for the dinner, VNC would cover the cost. Please let Marie know (403-933-7783).

We had record attendance for our first general meeting; there were all of 23 members in attendance. The next meeting will be on Nov. 7 at 1 p.m.

The garden club will meet at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, not sure what is on the agenda, but it will be nice to see everyone after the summer hiatus.

Our beautiful facility is available to rent for weddings, anniversary parties or any number of occasions. Call Barb Savage at 403-933-4782.

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