Valley Neighbours' Club news

Joyce and I are back from our cruise on the St. Lawrence to see the fall colours. We were two weeks too early and the poplars in my neighbourhood are putting on the best show of colour I’ve seen for two weeks. East West Home’s Best. We had a great time. Quebec City was beautiful and Charlottetown was amazing. The tour of New York City left this country girl awestruck, but I sure wouldn’t want to live there.

The Carseland bridge tournament was a good day. They were so friendly and happy to have us. Lunch was good, cards were not, although Joyce and I made a small slam.

Okotoks and District Seniors Club will be sponsoring a bridge tournament on Nov. 11. We’ll have a poster on the board soon.

The next garden club meeting is on Oct. 10 at 1:30 p.m. We will bring something we have made with our own produce to share and taste.

Our Thanksgiving potluck and silent auction was perfect. The sidewalk is finished and didn’t inconvenience us at all. The railings should be up soon. What an improvement.

We lost one of our long time Ridge Riders members while I was away. I am so saddened at Les Kish’s passing. You just could not find a bad thing to say about him, he was a genuinely nice man. Happy trails, Les.

I wish you all a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving. We have so very much for which to be thankful.

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