Valley Neighbours' Club news

Lewis Memorial United Church is hosting a “Gift of Song” at 7 p.m. on Nov. 9 at the Turner Valley School on 114 Royal Avenue. This is a benefit concert for the High River United Church. Donations by cash or cheque made payable to the DV Pastoral Care would be most appreciated.

Several years ago I stopped giving personal Christmas gifts to my family (only to the kids), and donate to a charity of choice. This year I have chosen Samaritan’s Purse.

I am buying goats, chickens and a cow. I also have my Operation Christmas Child shoebox almost filled. There are boxes at VNC if you wish to participate in the Christmas Child program. Just bring your shoeboxes back to VNC and Virginia will deliver them. Pickup week is Nov. 18-24.

A safe and joyous Halloween to all our little munchkins. Sure hope I get some kids this year.

Priddis turkey supper is set for Nov. 8 and the first sitting is at 4:30 p.m. This is one of he last of the old-time fowl suppers and always a superb meal, don’t miss it.

The poppy campaign kicked off last week. Wear your poppy proudly.

VNC executive will meet on Oct. 31 at noon and the last general meeting for 2013 will be on Nov. 7 at 1 p.m.

Don’t forget this is the weekend to set your clocks back an hour.

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