Valley Neighbours' Club news

Our final general meeting for 2013 was held on Nov. 7 with a little better attendance. Several major items were dealt with, mainly the sidewalk and railing project. Don Thomson gave us a semi-final report and pending further investigation, there may be some modification with the entrances.

My neighbour has a pileated woodpecker in her back yard. This is an unusual sighting, one that I have only seen twice in all my years of bird watching. They call him “Woody” and I am trying to lure him to my backyard with a heated waterer and a fat feeder.

Surprisingly, I learned last week that our library did not have a copy of Chuck’s book. I soon remedied that, so if you haven’t read “A Legend of the Nahanni”, our Sheep River Library now has a copy to loan.

Philip has asked me to head the nominating committee for 2014, so for those of you who were clamouring to be on the executive, I’m sorry but the roster is filled for 2014.

(Unless you would like one of my five jobs).

There was not sufficient interest in the concert in High River on Nov. 24 to warrant getting a bus. If you would like to carpool, your cheque will be returned and admission will be paid in cash. Contact Mary Anne with your wishes at 403-931-3897.

The garden club meeting on Nov. 14 at 1:30 p.m. will welcome Joanne demonstrating how to fashion a Christmas decoration from recycled Christmas cards.

Mark your calendar for our annual Christmas dinner on Dec. 1. Admission will be by ticket only. Marie is in charge of ticket sales and they are currently available.

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