Valley Neighbours Club News

It’s now September. Didn’t I tell you fall was just around the corner?

We enjoyed a wonderful dinner at the Griffiths Centre on Thursday.

They plan to make it a monthly event and the next one will feature cabbage rolls, pierogies and all things of that cuisine. There will be a Sunday brunch on Sept. 6.

Our crabapple tree at the club has outdone itself this year. Please help yourself. The key to the courtyard is available any day the club is occupied.

There is also a laden branch hanging over the fence so give it a week or so until they ripen a little more (a bit of frost would sweeten them even more).

I really don’t want to have to compost buckets of crabapples, so do me a big favour and pick them.

Did you see the super moon on Saturday? A super moon is simply the full or new moon with the closest approach the moon makes to earth and there is another on Sept. 28.

Wishing Shirley Ertmoed a speedy recovery.

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