What is the point?

I’m a bit nervous as I write this column.

It’s great to hear from readers and it’s reassuring to know that people are reading Rockley’s Rambles, but I’ve become a disappointment to some.

I know of one at the very least.

On Saturday afternoon I received an email that began as follows: “I am not sure if the Publisher of a newspaper is supposed to make a point or if he/she is allowed space for pointless rambles.”

The reader is correct.

My weekly ramble doesn’t always have a point. Often it is just informative.

Other times it is designed to make you think about a particular topic.

It’s a bit much to say that sometimes it’s humorous because I will be the first to admit that my jokes aren’t that funny. Entertaining, maybe that’s it.

Is it fair to say that sometimes my column is entertaining?

I’ve used up most of my weekly space already, I better get to the point.

What is the point?

I guess the point is this; people say things to others through the Internet that they would never say in person.

So many of our interactions are through a digital buffer nowadays and the way we communicate with one another has become more toxic.

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